
Monday, June 4, 2012

(impossible) wish.

lg galau abiiiiisss, eh malah makan cabe. uhm, i mean denger lagu galau wahahaha. but i dont care, how much tears run down it wont be empty. HAHA.
eeeiii btw gue nulis smbil denger lagu yang (belum tentu) gue harapin. ask me why. ASK ME!
haha kidding.
judul lagunya "marry ur daughter-brian Mcknight"
Sir, I'm a bit nervous
About being here today
Still not real sure what I'm going to say
So bare with me please
If I take up too much of your time.

See in this box is a ring for your oldest.
She's my everything and all that I know is
It would be such a relief if I knew that we were on the same side

Cause very soon 

I'm hoping that I...

Can marry your daughter

And make her my wife

I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life

And give her the best of me 'til the day that I die, yeah

I'm gonna marry your princess

And make her my queen

She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen

I can't wait to smile
When she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter
She's been here every step
Since the day that we met
(I'm scared to death to think of what would happen if she ever left)
So don't you ever worry about me ever treating her bad
I've got most of my vows done so far
(So bring on the better or worse)
And 'til death do us part
There's no doubt in my mind
It's time
I'm ready to start
I swear to you with all of my heart...

I'm gonna marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'til the day that I die, yeah
I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
I can't wait to smile
As she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter

The first time I saw her
I swear I knew that I'd say I do

I'm gonna marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'till the day that I die
I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen

She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen

I can't wait to smile
As she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter 
 emg sih tu lagu judulnyna tentang pernikahan.. but isnt mean that i wish i get marry fast. you kidding? haha.
cm gue ngarep aja, ada org yang berjuang buat gue,walopun dia harus ngalahin rasa malu dan takutnya..
"berjuang" disini gaharus fisikly, bisa aja "berjuang" buat senyum walau sedih(jiah),"berjuang" for make simple thing feels like deep thing, "berjuang" for stay longer with him/her if they need it, "berjuang" nahan marah, etc. masih banyak hal yg simple untuk diperjuangkan. gaperlu yg gede2 jg, ntar keberatan malah gepeng lg *apa deh*.

tapi sayang bgt, gaada yg berjuang buat gue. ato mungkin gue gangerasa kali yah?. uhm whatever lah,gue skarang ngerasa hampa. gapunya tujuan buat hidup,walaupun disekeliling gue bnyk yg sayang gue, tp gatau knp gue gabs ngerasain itu.. syndrome dead-feel kali wkwkwk.

gue takut buat ngarep haha (biasaaa, korban PHP). gue iri liat org2..kok mrk bisa hv fun dll. not about the money, but the environment mereka..Gue minder..

okey back to the song.
 gue pengen dipuji jg :P pengen dibanggain walopun mengecewakan, pengen di belain walopun aku yg salah, dan lain hal.
yaaaaah itu cm skedar harapan yg gamungkin trjadi kan?
remind me. i'm a trash.

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